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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Peace=, for_children: n"
Violence Twenty-eight glimpses of a culture drowning in a sea of violence.
They Will Inherit the Earth A creative vision of nonviolence and environmental renewal.
Quiet Mind Reflective essays on how to use mindfulness as an antidote to stress and other problems in our too busy world.
World Report 2016 An invaluable resource for all those concerned about human rights around the world.
Finding Peace through Spiritual Practice A top-drawer celebration of diverse spiritual practices for social activists in the growing interfaith movement.
The Relax Deck Combines play and imagination to help you catch intimations of peace in your daily life.
The Unconquerable World Makes a good case against the use of force as a national policy for the United States.
The Art of Peace A fresh interpretation of a Taoist classic.
Apostle of Peace Forty tributes to the witness of this Jesuit priest, poet, war resister, and prophet.
Love in Action Opens our hearts, minds, and bodies to the many ways we can water the seeds of love and peace in our lives.